Armando’s Profile

Armando Cosme is a dedicated math teacher with over six years of experience in education, currently teaching at the High School for Health Professions and Human Services. In addition to his teaching role, Armando actively contributes to the CUNY NYC Men Teach program, where he supports aspiring educators in navigating the path to certification. His commitment to empowering future teachers includes helping them prepare for and successfully pass their licensure exams, ensuring that they are well-equipped to inspire and educate the next generation of students. Armando’s dual focus on teaching and mentorship reflects his passion for enhancing educational diversity and fostering a new wave of educators in urban schools.
My Courses
MEDU 2010 Technology in Mathematics Education Fall 2016 – Poirier
Students examine the rationale and pedagogy for the effective use of technology in the middle and high school mathematics classrooms. The technologies considered may include graphing calculators, computer algebra systems, spreadsheets, and dynamic geometry software.
2016 Fall – MAT 2071 Proofs and Logic – Reitz
This course is designed to prepare students for an advanced mathematics curriculum by providing a transition from Calculus to abstract mathematics. The course focuses on the processes of mathematical reasoning, argument, and discovery. Topics include propositional and first order logic, learning proofs through puzzles and games, axiomatic approach to group theory, number theory, and set theory, abstract properties of relations and functions, elementary graph theory, sets of different cardinalities, and the construction and properties of real numbers. Avatar and Header images are public domain works from Glitch the Game, created by Tiny Speck, Inc. (
Literacy in Techology is a course for students who wish to become high school teachers or are already teaching in high school but need to obtain a literacy certification. THis course introduces students to tbe basis of literacy- reading and writing in multilingual urban classrooms. It helps students become more successful teachers by facilitating lesson plan design and implementation.
MEDU1010 Foundations of Math Ed, FA2017
This course examines the historical, philosophical, and sociological foundations underlying the development of American educational institutions. The role of the schools, the aims of education, diverse learners, the mathematics curriculum in New York State, legal principles that affect education, and the role of state, local, and federal agencies will be emphasized.
My Projects
Armando hasn't created or joined any projects yet.
My Clubs
The CUNY NYC Men Teach program provides academic and financial supports to program participants, with the goal of supporting them through the teachers certification and hiring process so they can enter the NYC teaching workforce as effective urban educators. NYC Men Teach at Citytech is a active program that currently supports NYC Men Teach fellows from the two Citytech teacher degree programs–the Mathematics Education and the Career and Technical Teacher Education–as well as other students oriented towards a teaching career. Program fellows receive monthly metro cards, free certification exam vouchers and other financial incentives, as well as access to a dedicated program counselor who offer advisement and other academic supports. NYC Men Teach program fellows also convene for a semester-long seminar focused on culturally-responsive education. Come join us!