JFEW Scholarship Based Internship– National Dental Oakland Gardens, NY (June 2023)

As part of the JFEW scholarship community since Fall 2022, I was granted the opportunity to complete a work based internship in any office of my choice and to my convenience during the summer months of 2023. My internship experience in the dental field was truly invaluable, providing me with hands-on exposure to various aspects of dental practice and patient care. Working alongside experienced dentists and dental professionals, I gained practical skills in dental treatment, patient interaction, and office management. From assisting with dental exams and procedures to managing patients and scheduling appointments, every task contributed to my growth and understanding of the dental profession. Moreover, the mentorship I received during the internship was exceptional, offering guidance, feedback, and insights that enhanced my learning experience. This internship not only solidified my passion for dentistry but also equipped me with the knowledge and confidence to pursue further education and a career in the dental field. Overall, it was a transformative experience that reaffirmed my commitment to providing compassionate and quality dental care to patients in the future. This experience was very eye opening and gave me a realistic overview of the life of a hygienist through a students perspective. I must say I really do look forward to starting my career soon !

Service Learning Project – Omar Mosque/Sunday school (Brooklyn, NY March 2024)

This project predominately focused on a specific group of our choice – children. My classmates and I decided to visit the Omar Mosque in Brooklyn to educate their children about dental health ! Educating children about dental hygiene is crucial for instilling lifelong habits that promote oral health. Through interactive and age-appropriate methods, such as Tell-Show-Do, storytelling and hands-on activities, we engaged these children in learning about the importance of brushing, flossing, and visiting the dentist regularly. By incorporating fun elements like colorful visuals, games, and songs, we made dental education enjoyable and memorable for these children. Teaching them about the effects of sugary foods and drinks on their teeth, as well as the role of fluoride in cavity prevention, will empower them to make healthier choices to avoid the SUGARBUGS!

Give Kids a Smile! – February 2024 at NYCCT

Colgate supported the fantastic Give Kids a Smile event for pediatric children, which took place on February 2024 at our City Tech campus clinic. The GKAS event was fantastic since we received more pediatric experience and exhibited our abilities. We provide EO/IO examinations, dental charting for primary and mixed dentition, scaling (as required), engine polishing, and flossing. Additional procedures, such as pit and fissure sealant placements and 5% fluoride varnish coatings, can be provided as needed with parental agreement.

This was one of my favorite events because Colgate generously provided us with toys and handheld visuals for the kids to have fun while connecting and bonding with the student clinicians. It was also a very heartwarming experience working with those cute children; seeing them happily smiling after treatment felt incredible.