EX06 6/7/2019

Example – Calculating Reynolds Number

A Newtonian fluid with a dynamic or absolute viscosity of 0.38 Ns/m2 and a specific gravity of 0.91 flows through a 25 mm diameter pipe with a velocity of 2.6 m/s.

The density can be calculated using the specific gravity like

ρ = 0.91 (1000 kg/m3)

    = 910 kg/m3

The Reynolds Number can then be calculated using equation (1) like

Re = (910 kg/m3) (2.6 m/s) (25 mm) (10-3 m/mm) / (0.38 Ns/m2)

    = 156 (kg m / s2)/N

    = 156 ~ Laminar flow

(1 N = 1 kg m / s2)

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