Category Archives: Uncategorized

CRSP scholarship

A message from Prof. Hamid Norouzi, Director of Undergraduate Research. There are a few spots still available for the 2018-2019 CRSP program. Students in bachelor’s programs with fewer than 50 credits can apply. CUNY limits faculty to mentoring a maximum … Continue reading

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make a graph h=(v^2*sin(50))/(2*g) g=9.8 v =10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20

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Make a graph of the equation shown on the whiteboard and upload it here.

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EX04-1 9/20/2018

Make (plot) a graph of the equation (see the whiteboard). And make an image file of the graph, upload to a photo site (google photo, flickr, Instagram, or any image uploaders), and post the link here.

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Day04 9/20/2018

Hello Class, Who is in the classroom? Now you remember the basic calculations using Matlab?

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Calculate following problems: 1) 1-by-5 matrix x = [1,2,3,4,5] 2) 1-by-100 matrix y=[1, ….,100] 3) 9^5*x 4) (13+4)/x 5) x^2 6) a=1^2+2^2+3^2+4^2+………..x^2 when x=25 7) b=2^2+4^2+6^2+8^2+………..x^2 when x=30    

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Day03 9/13/2018

How do you like MATLAB? How was the lecture of MATLAB review last week?

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Study materials

Please download this MATLAB primer

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Day02 (9/6/2018)

Welcome to MECH3600. Who is in the classroom (v511) now?

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