15 thoughts on “Week10 Day20

  1. Samuel Stlouis

    I am fine. Yes i did watch the documentary that was assigned. i thought the video was very insightful and had compelling points. the idea of a smart gun was to try and reduce killings but at the same time the gun has to be appealing and be reliable to possible buyers.

  2. Edwin Wu

    I’m good. Yes I watch the documentary is was very interesting how smart gun can have advantages and disadvantages for the people safety from getting harm.

  3. shaquille terrell-foskey

    i am fine today; how are you professor? Yes i did watch the documentary that you gave for homework. i thought the video was very interesting it had a lot of good reasons on why the smart gun should be brought into today’s society. the idea of a smart gun was to try and reduce killings but at the same time the gun has to be work properly for the the consumers use of the firearm.

  4. Edward Pichardo

    The documentary was interesting as there are people looking to make guns more secure but also manufacturers just want to make guns as simple as possible and they believe adding smart technology would remove quickness and efficiency. It is a serious matter.
    Im fine thanks.

  5. Tin Oo

    hi, i am good today. thank you. i watched it and was really interesting. i think it is creative and at the same time would help control suicide rate and gun control. I really like the idea and innovative.

  6. Josh Paul

    I am fine and well. The documentary was very informative and interesting. What i found interesting were the many benefits of having a smart gun. One benefit would be the possible decline in accidental deaths.


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