16 thoughts on “Week01 Day02

  1. Harold.Barreto

    The CUNY TV show was really cool. I was fascinated and entertained by the technological advances going on in CUNY. The story telling discs were simple and fun. It is definitely a project I could work on with the kids in my family. I am very ready and excited to create something that can change the world.

  2. Brian Ortiz

    It was really good, specially the TV show. It has so many interesting topics and it gets us (students) to get interesting on the topic. I’m ready to get my hands on skills to this course

  3. Cristian

    The TV show was fascinating and i never knew CUNY had a TV show. For the video on story telling it was cool for something little kids did. I believe i am ready to use my hands on skills I’ve learned from my past classes and create something from it.

  4. Samuel Stlouis

    I thought the tv show, ‘Study With The Best” was very interesting. I liked hearing from the professor from Hunter college about artificial intelligence and the segment about the smart gun invention

    The videos from the sniping storytelling was very cool

    I think i am ready to improve my hands on skills for this course

  5. Edwin Wu

    The TV show “Study with the Best” is great introducing new ideas implying to the world of technology. The videos about the spinning story telling desks is interesting with little components of design can make a difference in the world. I will give my best on the hands on skill to this course otherwise I’m happily to be prepare for this course.

  6. Edward Pichardo

    The TV show is interesting, I wasn’t aware of that until now.
    Also the smart gun is a good idea maybe bio metrics can be included into the gun for safety.
    Hands-on skills sounds great and making a gear box like the examples is also a great idea.
    Maybe a gear box that when the gear reaches a certain spot or does an x amount of laps LED lights can change colors.
    Your daughters B-day was a success, Great Job!

  7. SaulC

    The tv show “study with the best” was informative and gives you a good in depth information to people that may be interested in that subject.
    The video with the spinning storytelling disk was cool because it shows that you can get kids into simple robotics and make it fun for them.
    Yes i am ready!!

  8. shaquille terrell-foskey

    Yes i liked the “Study with the best” it was very interesting, i didnt know they had any thing like this going on within cuny. i think I’m ready to use my skills I’ve learned in my other classes with in this class to move ahead within my studies. i also think the video of your daughters invention was pretty cool as while.

  9. Talha Riaz

    The TV Show is a good initiative by CUNY to show us the interesting technological work of other students and colleges. The story telling for the kids was also a good entertaining project. Looking forward to use my hands on skills in this course.

  10. Alexander Rajacic

    The tv show “Study with the Best” was interesting and fun to watch. The storytelling was also great. i thought your daughters project was really cool . Yes I am ready to use my hands on skills in this course.

  11. Josh Paul

    The Tv show ” study with the best” surprised me with information and projects i had no idea that were going on in the cuny system, making me find it interesting. I though the stories of the spinning storytelling discs were pretty cool. I am ready to see what i can produce.

  12. Tin Oo

    The show is very interesting and innovative. It motivates and gives you ideas for future projects. I also enjoyed story telling disk video. it looks simple but i have never tried it myself so, it will be abit challenging for me and i am ready to learn and built our own.

  13. Ming Qiu

    The TV show was fascinating and i never knew CUNY had a TV show. i didnt know they had anything like this. i think im ready to do some handon skill in the class. i very like to do handon skill. i aslo like your pet where u show me.


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