Term Project 1- Design of Traffic Light Post

Project Detail

The objective of this project is to design the pole, arm and base plate of a Traffic Light signaling system.

Pole and Arm Detail

Traffic Light Pole and Arm

Pole Base Detail

Pole Base Detail

Minimum Considerations

You are expected to perform the design work that closely matches with actual industrial practices. Therefore, select a road /highway where you want to install this traffic signaling system. Minimum design inputs should be based on the following considerations-

  • Wind Load- Consider Average and Maximum  velocity.
  • Post Load, Beam load, Wind direction
  • Maximum allowable Deflections as per the engineering Code
  • Beam load, Bending and shear diagram
  • Combined stresses at each critical location as marked red in the schematic diagram.


Submission Detail

  • Submit Project in one file.
  • Use a CAD program for detailed drawing and dimension.
  • Include Table of content.
  • Include all design contents in a single pdf.

Submission Template

Outline of the Submission


  • Cover Page
  • Project Name, Course Name, Participant Name
  • Learning Objective
  • Project Introduction
  • Codes Used and Code Detail
  • Project Inputs
  • Design Calculation [Hand Calculation is Acceptable]
  • Summary of Design Output