

Online Syllabus: MECH 2333


Course Name: MECH 2333, Strength of Materials II

Course objectives:

Learning objectives of this course is as follows-

  1. Ability to draw shear and moment diagram for structurally determinate beams.
    2. Ability to analyze and design beams.
    3. Ability to analyze a load-carrying member subjected to combined stress; determine
    the maximum normal stress, and the maximum shearing stress.
    4. Ability to draw a complete Mohr’s circle for a state of any element.
    5. Ability to compute the slenderness ratio for columns.
    6. Ability to use Euler formula for the analysis and design.
    7. Ability to identify the modes of failure of a bolted connection.
    8. Analyze and design for bearing, tensile, and shear strength.
    9. Ability to utilize computational tools including Matlab in solving strength of Materials related problems.
    10. Communicate effectively using graphs, and appropriate design codes and standards among the peers and the instructors.


Contact info:

Dr. Akm Rahman.

Reading Resources: Leonard Spiegel & George F. Limbrunnere.

                                    Applied Statics and Strength of Materials

                                    Prentice Hall, 2004 ISBN: 0-13-093826-2

OER Resources:

Major assignments & Grading Policy:

15% Homework assignments, 15% Quizzes, 20% Midterm exam, 25% Final Exam, 15% Project.


Missing assignments will result in zero, 1-day late submission will result in 40% deduction, 2 days’ late submission will result in 50% deduction, no assignments will be accepted after 3 days. Solutions will be posted on day 4.

Group assignments will include graded discussion forums where each will require creating threads and participation in the discussion.

Attendance in the session is not mandatory, however it is recommended and highly expected due to the nature of the course.

Course Implementation

This class introduces engineering aspects of stresses and strains on the engineering structure and the resultant strength in the form of various combinations. This course utilizes an optional strength of materials book (Included in the syllabus), Open educational resources (Outlined in Open lab site) and on-line resources (Free to download with appropriate download instruction).

This course will give you a comprehensive demonstration on fundamentals of stress-strain-strength, shear and moment diagram of beam, design of beam and column, deflection of beam, combined stresses, Mohr’s circle, design of mechanical components.

Key items that will be assessed through this course are the ability to solve engineering problems, design of mechanical components and application of standards and codes in the design. The course will be assessed using various components including midterms, Quiz, Homework, group project and final test.

The syllabus of the course will be available for download in the content section of Blackboard.

The online version will meet once in a week. Course contents, assignments, tests and discussions will be available through Blackboard. for the access to course contents. Meetings and face-to-face instruction will be conducted using blackboard ultra, a CUNY assigned official collaboration tool.


Expectations from the students

Students will be expected to complete quizzes at the end of each class. Each week students are expected to complete the assignment relevant to the instructions given. Students are expected to submit their work on the specified timeline.