Case 1
25 year old, South Asian Male. This patient had never had a dental cleaning or dental exam until his appointment with me at City Tech. Patient presented with heavy generalized supragingival calculus, localized subgingival deposits on posteriors and heavy staining. Probing depths ranged from 1-4mm with heavy BUP, generalized marginal inflammation and localized papillary inflammation on lower anteriors. A FMS was exposed to attain baseline information since this was the patients first dental visit, as well as to assess for interproximal caries due to clinically evident occlusal caries. Treatment was provided in 2 visits in a span of 2 weeks and was well tolerated by the patient. Suggested recare length 3-4 months due to high risk for caries and application of fluoride.
Case 2
After19 year old, South Asian Male. Patient presented with heavy supragingival lingual calculus on lower anteriors with generalized subgingival calculus on posteriors and heavy occlusal and interproximal staining. Air polishing was performed on this patient to aid in removal of generalized stains. Probing depths ranged 1-5mm with moderate BUP, localized marginal inflammation on posteriors with rolled margins around linguals of anteriors. Bitewing radiographs exposed since clinical caries were detected and there was no history of previous x-rays for about 6 years. Treatment was provided in two visits 3 weeks apart, however “after” picture was taken 3 weeks after treatment was completed and occlusal staining and plaque build up are already accumulating. Patient stated to be pleased with the treatment provided and tolerated procedures well. Recare length 3-4 months due to high caries risk.