For week 1 of the Internship class I was looking into any internship that I could apply paid and unpaid no matter what it was. But then I thought that maybe with unpaid internships weren’t good since my connections are limited similar to a previous internship that I did a while back during high school. That internship was at Virtual Enterprises International, it was more business focused and people who worked in the stock market as well and people never seemed interested in working with me or for my services. But currently that I have learned from that experience I was looking into CUNY Cultural Corps since they have paid opportunities such as MoMa PS1, MoMa, Brooklyn Museum and other organizations, which I am interested in a lot since museums are a thing I go often and appreciate the environment. But I looked up in linkedin to apply to more and many didn’t interest me which I believe is something I have to suppress since that will notice opportunities.