A site for committee members

Month: February 2021

Agenda โ€“ February 25, 2021


  1. Call to order
  2. Approval of minutes from November 19, 2020
  3. WeBWorK/OER updates approval discussion
  4. MAT 1375 Spring 2021 course outline (Prof. Tradler)
  5. Updates to course timelines
    • If you have updates to courses for Fall 2020/Spring 2021, please send them to Prof. Koca so that he can update the course timeline for our record keeping.
  6. Website check
    • Please check the department website to confirm that updates you have been involved with are reflected there. If any changes need to be made, please inform Prof. Poirier.
  7. Knewton Alta for MAT 0650 and MAT 1375 (Prof. Ellner)
  8. Good and welfare