1. Experiment to allow MAT 065 eligible incoming students to enter MAT 1275CO. (I will need to work on the phrasing of the proposal.)  The experiment will be conducted in Spring 2020, data will be collected to see how these 065 students perform in 1275CO without taking 065. This experiment responds to CUNY’s recommendation to place students with “light developmental math needs” into credit level corequisite course. Please see the attached memo, relevant section is highlighted on page 4.
  2. Attendance policy in developmental math:
    • Developmental Mathematics: Academic Statement and Policy on AttendanceIt is crucial for students to attend and participate fully in every class, whether it’s lecture, computer lab, individual work, group work, or exams. Absences and latenesses of any kind, excused or unexcused, are discouraged. They disrupt learning and cause work to fall behind. To encourage good attendance practice, the math department implements an attendance policy which allows for absences of no more than 15% of the total number of class meeting sessions.  Absences exceeding 15% will be considered excessive.  A lateness is marked when a student misses 15 minutes of instructional time for that session, by arriving late, leaving early, or taking an unofficial break in-between.  Two latenesses equate to one absence. Incorporating the attendance policy, there are three possible grades for the course: S – Satisfactory – student successfully completes and passes the course.R – Repeat – student, in good attendance standing, fails the course.

      WU – unofficial withdrawal – student, with excessive absences, fails the course

       A student with a WU grade is not eligible for the intercession express course (MAT0675) or the free summer course (MAT065/065CO)

       Students in developmental math are mandated to stay in the course.  They do not have the option to officially withdraw from the course.

  3. MAT 065CO students who fail the course with an R grade will repeat MAT 065 without the corequisite.  MAT 065CO students who receive WU will repeat MAT 065CO or be recommended to go to CUNY Math Start.
  4. MAT 065 or MAT 065CO students who successfully complete the course with an S grade and receive a score of 80 or higher on the department algebra final and obtain a course average of 80 or higher are eligible for the regular MAT 1275 without the corequisite.