Final Exam – Wednesday Dec 18

A reminder that our final exam is this Wednesday (Dec 18), at the usual class time.  Below is a list of topics/exercises to review for the final exam:

  • frequency distributions/relative frequencies:
    • Quiz #1
    • Exam #1, Question #1
    • Exam #3, Question #2
  • paired data sets: scatterplots, correlation coefficient, linear regression
      • Exam #1, Question #4
      • Exam #2, Question #5
  • calculating probabilities
    • Exam #2, Questions #2 & #3
    • Quiz #2
  • random variables & probability distributions; expected value
    • Exam #3, Question #4
  • binomial experiments/random variables
    • Exam #3, Question #3
  • writing about statistics & probability:
    • Exam #1, Question #2
    • Exam #2, Question #1(a)
    • Exam #3, Question #3(b)

Exam #3 – Wednesday, Dec 11

We will take our second midterm exam this Wednesday (Dec 11).  The exam will mostly be on the material on random variables and probability distributions that we’ve covered since the 2nd exam (including a question on binomial random variables).  There will also be a question on combinations and permutations.

To prepare for the exam:

    • review the class outline pdfs (and your class notes) on:
      • “Random variables and probability distributions”
      • “Expected value and variance of a discrete random variable”
      • “Binomial random variables & binomial distributions”
      • see the Schedule page for the class outlines
    • review Exam #2, Exercises #2, #3 & #4 (Exam #2 solutions have been uploaded to Files; think about Exercises #2 & #3 in the context of a random variable and its probability distribution)
  • review the following WebWork exercises:
    • HW9-RandomVariables: all
    • HW10-ExpectedValue: #5-7, 10, 11, 15
    • HW11-BinomialDistribution: #1, #2(a)(b), #3, #4,

Exam #2 – Wednesday, Nov 13

As I announced in class yesterday, we will take our second midterm exam this Wednesday (Nov 13).  The exam will mostly be on the material on probability that we’ve covered since the 1st exam, but will also include an exercise on linear regression.

To prepare for the exam:

    • review the class outline pdfs (and your class notes) going back to “Linear Regression” through the most recent one that we discussed last week (“Counting Principles: Permutation and combinations”) (see the Schedule page)
    • review Quizzes #2 & #3 (solutions have been uploaded to Files)
    • review Exam #1, Exercise #4 (the last exercise on the exam, especially the parts about linear regression; Exam #1 solutions have been uploaded to Files)
  • review the following WebWork exercises and their solutions:
    • HW4-PairedData: #3, 20, 21, 22
    • HW5-Probability: #1-5, 10
    • HW6-EqualProbabilities:#1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9
    • HW7-ConditionalProbability: #3, 4, 6, 7
    • HW8-Counting: #4, 7, 8, 9 (solutions to HW8 will be available after it closes; the solutions to the other HW sets are available now)

Exam #1 – Wednesday, Oct 2

As I announced in class, we will take our first midterm exam next Wednesday (Oct 2).  The exam will cover the material up to and including linear regression.  See below for some tips on how to prepare for the exam.

Note that since the college is closed on Mon Sept 30 (& Tues Oct 1), the exam will be during our next class meeting. The exam should take no more than one hour to complete, so we can use the first 30mins of class on Wednesday to discuss any questions that come up as you study for the exam.

To prepare for the exam:

  • start by finishing WebWork set “HW4-PairedData” (due Sunday, Sept 29 at 6p)
  • review the outlines/notes/spreadsheets for Classes#1-8 (available under Files and the Schedule page)
  • review the WebWork exercises and solutions from “HW2-Graphs”, “HW3”, and “HW4-PairedData” (solutions for HW4 will be available Sunday evening immediately after it closes; solutions for the previous two HW sets are available now)
  • in particular, review the following WebWork exercises:
    • HW2-Graphs: #2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 13, 14
    • HW3: #1, 2, 3, 5, 10
    • HW4-PairedData: #1, 3, 6, 13, 14, 20, 21, 22