Updates to ALL Course Hub sites

Hi everyone,

While you’ve been building lessons, I’ve been working on updating all the other pages & resources on Course Hub sites. The final versions are all available on the MAT 1375 Course Hub. It’s time to copy all of those changes to each of the other Course Hub. I’m asking each of you to go through the list below and make the indicated updates. Of course, there may be some places where you’ve already included some resources – in that case, take a look at the resources that I provided and see if you can merge them together. There are also a few organizational changes (menu items and so on) which I’ll ask you to make. Please respond with a comment if you run into trouble!

Thank you to everyone for your enormous efforts over the past few weeks. It’s great to see these coming together!



Updates to all Course Hubs

Updating pages: For the most part, this consists of copy/pasting the page from the MAT 1375 Course Hub to the page on your own Course Hub.


  • I have made all of you mods on the MAT 1375 Course Hub, so you should be able to edit pages & copy their contents.
  • In the block editor, you can easily copy the entire page contents by clicking the three vertical dots in the top right corner of the screen and selecting “Copy all content”


  • If you need to update a link on a page, edit the page and click on the link – an Edit button should pop up.
  • You can easily find links to pages on your own site without copy/pasting them – just delete the link in the popup box (after clicking Edit), and then start typing the title of the page you want (for example, type “Resources”). You can then select the appropriate page from the list that appears.
  • Don’t forget to click the “elbow arrow” button to save your edits.

Pages to update:

  1. About page
    • Copy/paste content, update all links to point to appropriate pages on *your own* course hub (don’t worry about links pointing to other sites – leave them as-is)
  2. Resources page
    • Copy/paste content, update all links to point to appropriate pages on *your own* course hub
  3. Resources/Textbooks
    • Update textbook information for your course – (no need to copy/paste if you’ve already done this)
  4. Resources/WeBWorK
    • Copy/paste content
  5. Resources/VideoResources
  6. Resources/Tutoring
    • Copy/paste this page
  7. Resources/Review
    • Copy/paste this page, update all links (& text if necessary – not every course has video solutions to select final exam questions, for example)
    • Guest Access WeBWorK sections are all listed here — scroll down to “G” for the Guest Access listings
  8. For Faculty (no updates necessary)
  9. For Faculty/Announcements
    • Copy/paste the “Faculty Announcements” post (it’s a post, not a page – the Edit button should be just under the post title), or create your own welcome message for faculty.
  10. For Faculty/Course Coordination
    • Copy/paste this page.  OR update it with appropriate resources for your course, if you have them
  11. For Faculty/WeBWorK Faculty Resources
    • Copy/paste this page.
  12. For Faculty/Training and Support (ENG FYW Course Hub has some links on this stuff – https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/fyw-pedagogy/)
    • Copy/paste this page.

Additional Course Hub changes

  1. Change “Syllabus” to “Course Outline”
    • Click “Syllabus”, click “Edit” (edit pencil) to edit the page
    • Change page title to “Course Outline”, change link text to “departmental course outline”
    • Update (save) (the menu should update automatically to match the page title)
  2. Update the sidebar menu for the Lessons pages
    • Step 1: add all Lessons to the sidebar menu:
      • Dashboard/Appearance/Menus:
      • Menu to edit: lessons_sidebar
      • Drag all lessons into menu structure (in order)
      • Save
    • Step 2: assign this menu to appears in the sidebar of all Lessons pages:
      • Dashboard/Appearance/Theme Sidebars:
      • Sidebar to edit: Lessons
      • drag all Lesson pages under “Sidebar Replacement Pages” (order doesn’t matter)
      • Save
  3. Lessons menu – remove dropdown from main menu, put links to all lessons on the Lessons page:
    • To remove the dropdown menu item(s):
      • Dashboard/Appearance/Menus
      • Menu to edit: top
      • Delete anything that is indented below “Lessons” (e.g. “Lesson 20”).  NOTE: To delete, click the down-arrow and select “Remove”.
      • Save
    • To put lesson links on page
      • Click “Lessons”, click “Edit” (edit pencil) to edit page
      • Add list of lessons, link each one to the appropriate page
      • Save (Update)
  4. Update the site Header and Avatar using the provided resources for each course:
    • Site Header Graphics for each course will be posted here in the next few hours (I’m working on them!). I chose a “hub-like” graphic with custom background color for each site (aligning with the color schemes already in use in the Video Resource Sites) – not sure if it’s perfect it will have to do for now, happy to make changes to this later!
    • Start by downloading (right-click and “Save As”) your Header file to your hard drive. Use the same file for both Header and Avatar (you will need to upload it twice, once for the Header and Avatar – see instructions below).
    • HEADER FILES (background colors are listed for information only):
    • 1. Update Site Header:
      • Go to Dashboard/Appearance/Header
      • “Add New Image” – this takes you to the Media Library
      • Click the “Upload Files” tab
      • Select or drag-and-drop the Header Image from your hard drive
      • Once the file appears in your Media Library, hit “Select and Crop”
      • Crop the image however you like – it’s ok if they are all a little different
      • Click “Publish” at the top of the page to save the changes
      • (NOTE: If you don’t like the way it comes out and you want to try cropping it again differently, just go back to Header, click “Add New Image”, and select the image from your Media Library and hit “Select and Crop” again.
    • 2. Update Avatar:
      • Click “Edit Profile”
      • Click “Change Avatar”underneath the picture
      • “Choose file” and select the Header Image from your hard drive
      • Crop it however you like – it’s ok if they are a little different