Discrete Structures & Algorithms

Category: Class Agendas (Page 3 of 9)

Class #20 – Wed April 13

  • Discuss new schedule/plan for Exam #2
    • new due date for take-home exercises is end of day tomorrow (Thursday)
    • hard copy preferred: submit in class today or to Math Dept office (N711) tomorrow
    • if you won’t be on campus, scan your take-home to pdf and submit via Blackboard (look for “Exam #2 take-home” under Content)
    • Exam #2 in-class component will be after spring break: Monday, April 25
  • Continue with Sec 3.1 (Algorithms)
    • introduce sorting algorithms: bubble sort, insertion sort
    • start Sec 3.1 HW exercises (via small groups): #3-8, 23, 24
  • Code to study/discuss/edit:
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