Instructor: Suman Ganguli

Author: Suman Ganguli (Page 8 of 13)

Exam #1 Review

We will have our first midterm exam this Thursday (March 2).  To prepare for the exam, review the following topics, exercises and examples:

Class 8 Agenda

Class Info

  • Date: Thursday, February 23
  • Meeting Info: 10a-11:40a, N703


To-Do After Class

  • Continue working on WebWork:
    • “Integration – Substitution” (due tonight)
    • “Integration – Exponential and Logarithmic” (due tomorrow)
    • “Integration by Parts” (due Tues Feb 28)
  • Exam #1 will be next Thursday (March 2)
    • topics and review exercises will be discussed in class on Tuesday
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