Class Info

  • Date: Thurs, May 11
  • Meeting Info: 10a-11:40a, N703

Upcoming schedule

  • Complete the take-home quiz distributed in class last Tuesday.  The quiz is due Thursday (May 18). If you missed class last week, you can find the pdf of the quiz on OpenLab Files  You can also download the pdf of the “Convergence/Divergence of Infinite Series” handout, which summarizes the material on infinite series we have covered over the past month.
  • Midterm exam #3 on Tuesday (May 16) will cover infinite series, with exercises very similar to quiz exercises #1-6.
  • On Thursday (May 18), I will return the Exam #3 and collect the take-home quiz. We will cover some examples on power series (which use the Ratio Test), and review for the final exam. 
  • The final exam is on Tuesday May 23, and will consist of exercises similar to the Final Exam Review exercises (most of which we have covered in class over the course of the semester.)


  • Sec 5.6: Ratio Test
  • Final Exam Review exercises: #8(c)-(d)
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