Instructor: Suman Ganguli

Month: April 2023 (Page 2 of 2)

Class 18 Recap

Class Info

  • Date: Thurs, March 30
  • Meeting Info: 10a-11:40a, N703


  • continued with Sec 2.2: Volumes (of solids of revolution) by slicing — “the washer method”) — see below
  • outlined upcoming schedule & topics for Exam #2:
    • Tuesday April 4: Hand in next HW (see bottom of post) & take Exam #2
    • Exam #2 topics — similar to exercises on previous and current HW sets:
      • Trig integrals
      • Trig substitutions
      • Method of partial fractions
      • Improper integrals
      • Area between two curves
      • Volumes of solids of revolution (by disk method)
  • Sec 2.2: Volumes (of solids of revolution) by slicing — “the washer method”):


  • Next HW set (due Tues April 4):
    • Method of Partial Fractions: Final Exam Review #6(a)(b)(c)
    • Improper Integrals: Final Exam Review #7(a)(b)
    • Area between two curves: OpenStax Checkpoint 2.1, Final Exam Review #3(a)
    • Volume of solids of revolution: Checkpoint 2.7, Final Exam Review #4(a)

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