Instructor: Suman Ganguli | Fall 2023

Category: Exam Review

Take-home exam/office hours recording

I recorded office hours yesterday morning with a handful of people from class who logged on. We went through a number of examples from the textbook, the WebWork, and the Final Exam Review which are relevant for the take-home exam exercises. You can view the recording on Blackboard (toggle on the menu to “Recordings”):

I also scanned my notes from the office hours as a pdf and uploaded it to OpenLab Files.

I opened a WebWork set on “Alternating Series”, which consists of a handful of multiple-choice exercises. These exercises should help you think through how to approach alternating series (#6 on the take-home exam). I went through a number of those WebWork exercises during office hours.

Here is a summary of some relevant examples for each of the take-home exam exercises:

#1 (geometric series): See Final Exam Review #8(b). You can also see the examples of this Class Recap (including a screenshot from Sec 5.2 of the textbook, where geometric series are discussed)

#2 (divergence test): We went through examples in Class 25; I went through Example 5.13(a) from the textbook (Sec 5.3) in office hours; see also FER #8(a)

#3 (p-series): Just apply the p-series test, which we discussed in Class 26; see Example 5.15 (also in Sec 5.3)

#4 (limit-comparison test): See the examples in Class 26 and 27, the example in my “Convergence/Divergence Tests” pdf, and the examples from the WebWork “Comparison Tests”

#5 (ratio test): See the examples we did in Class 27 and 28 (which are also written out in the “Convergence/Divergence Tests” pdf), and FER #8(c)(d) — we went through #8(c) in office hours.

#6 (alternating series): See the explanation and examples in Class 28 and the “Convergence/Divergence Tests” pdf, the exercises in FER #9, and the office hours recording.

Exam #2: Topics/review exercises

As I discussed in class, our 2nd midterm exam will be Wednesday (Nov 14). See below for a list of topics and review exercises for the exam.

(The review exercises are taken from the MAT1575 Final Exam Review sheet, which is available as a pdf from Files or from the Math Department course listings page. I have included a partial screenshot below–but note that the full pdf includes the answers to the exercises, so that you can check your solutions.)

Please start working on the review exercises for this exam, and write out solutions to them. I will collect these (plus additional exercises from the Final Exam Review sheet) later in the semester as a HW assignment.

Here’s the list of exercises to review for this upcoming exam again, with some additional notes:

#1(a)(b) & #2(a)(b): integration by u-substitution and integration by parts, respectively–these topics were covered on Exam #1, so you could also consult the solutions for that exam

#3(b): area between curves–note that #3(a) was the exercise given on Quiz #3. Set up #3(b) according to the same steps. Draw a sketch of the graph of the two curves and the region enclosed.

#4(a)(c): volumes of solids of revolution. For #4(a), use the disk method. For #4(c), use the method of cylindrical shells. For each, sketch the region in the xy-plane, and attempt to sketch a representative disk/cylindrical shell before setting up and solving the definite integral for the volume.

#6(a)(b): integration by the method of partial fractions. Note that the denominator #6(a) consists of a “repeated linear factor”, whereas #6(b) is the simpler case of “distinct linear factors” (the exercise on Quiz #3 was a case of distinct linear factors)

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