Class Info

  • Date: Tues, Oct 10
  • Meeting Info: 10a-11:40a, N719


Exam #1 will be tomorrow (Wed Oct 11). See below for a list of topics/exercises to review.


We spent the class period reviewing the topics we have covered so far this semester, and which will be covered on the exam tomorrow.

Look at the quiz and substitution homework solutions, which you can download from OpenLab Files. Those give a good overview of the topics and types of exercises that will be on the exam (plus integration by parts — see below).

You can also review the WebWork exercises listed below, the examples we went over in class, and the examples from the textbook (consult your notes and/or the blackboard photos and textbook links/screenshots I have posted in the Class Recaps here on OpenLab).

We also went through an example of solving a definite integral via substitution:

We also reviewed integration by parts–study the basic examples we went over in class.

For additional practice on integration by parts, try to complete exercises #3-5 from the WebWork “Integration By Parts” (which are similar to the examples above).

You don’t have to memorize the integration by parts formula or any of the basic antiderivatives–they will be provided to you on the exam.

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