Instructor: Suman Ganguli | Fall 2023

Month: September 2023 (Page 2 of 4)

Class 7 Recap (Wed Sept 20)

Class Info

  • Date: Wed, Sept 20
  • Meeting Info: 10a-11:40a, N719


The college is closed on Monday (Sept 25), so our next class meeting will be next Wednesday (Sept 27). Please complete the open WebWork set in the meantime:

“Integration – Fundamental Theorem constant bounds” (due Mon Sept 25)

“Review – Chain Rule” (due Wed Sept 27)

In addition, I will post a written HW set on integration by substitution (see below).


Integration by substitution (see Sec 1.5 – Substitution):

To-Do After Class

  • Continue working on “Integration – Fundamental Theorem constant bounds” (due Mon Sept 25) and “Review – Chain Rule” (due Wed Sept 27)

Class 6 Recap (Mon Sept 18)

Class Info

  • Date: Mon, Sept 18
  • Meeting Info: 10a-11:40a, N719


We will have our first quiz at the end of class on Wednesday (tomorrow). It will consist of one or two exercises similar to the exercises in “Integration – Definite Integrals”, i.e, calculating a definite integral of a given linear function over a given interval using area calculations. There will also be a simple application of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus to calculate the same definite integral.


Examples from “Integration – Fundamental Theorem constant bounds”:

Reviewed differentiation using the Chain Rule, in order to introduce integration by substitution (see Sec 1.5 – Substitution):

To-Do After Class

  • Continue working on “Integration – Fundamental Theorem constant bounds” (due Mon Sept 25) and “Review – Chain Rule” (due Wed Sept 27)
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