Bonanome | MAT 1372/OL57 | Fall 2021

Category: Announcements (Page 3 of 6)

In-class Activity (10/14/2021)

1. Creating our own random sample!

We are going collect data on board games from Their site allows you to be directed to a random game via a link (you’ll see it in the form below). We will collect both quantitative and qualitative data:

  • Millennium the game was released (1000, 2000, all others)
  • Number of words in game title
  • Minimum number of players
  • Maximum number of players
  • Playing time in minutes (if a range was provided, the average of the limits was used)
  • Minimum age in years
  • Game type (strategy or war, family or childrenā€™s, other)
  • Game available in multiple languages (yes or no)

Let’s get started: here is the Google form!

2. Random Variables, Frequency and Probability Distributions.

Once we have our data, I’ll be uploading it to Microsoft 365 where you will all have access to it. I will (randomly) assign you to 5 or 6 groups.

You must elect a group representative to share back the results of your “Group Challenge” with the class.

I will assign each group ONE variable to focus on in order to avoid duplicate work. Copy and paste the data related to your random variable to your assigned tab in this Excel sheet.

Group Challenge:

  • What is your random variable?
  • What values can your random variable take on?
  • Create a frequency distribution and probability distribution for your random variable.
  • Create a histogram of the frequency or probability distribution for your random variable.
  • Share all of the above with the class.
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