Hi everyone! Read through the material below, watch the videos, work on the Excel lecture and follow up with me if you have questions.


Learning Outcomes.

  • Determine if the data supports a hypothesis at a given significance level using known distributions.

Topic. This lesson covers: Chi-Squared Goodness of Fit Test


WeBWorK Set 11.2


Introduction to the Chi-Square Distribution
Chi-Square Goodness of Fit Test

The Applied View

This video is not on goodness of fit. Instead it should serve as preparation for the next lesson. Watch Two-Way Tables.

  1. Give two (or more) examples of categorical variables.
  2. What did Somerville include in its 2011 census that was unconventional?
  3. In the two-way table used to organize the responses to rating personal happiness and Somervilleā€™s physical beauty, which variable was the row variable and which was the column variable? Explain.
  4. As the level of happiness went up (from Unhappy to So-so to Happy), what happened to the percent of respondents who rated Somervilleā€™s physical beauty as Bad?