Faculty Name | Section | Semester

Author: Marianna Bonanome (Page 5 of 19)

Optional Extra Credit WeBWorK quiz – Thursday 12/3, 3 pm – 8 pm window

There will be a 40 minute (optional) 3 question WeBWorK quiz available on Thursday 12/3 from 3 pm – 8 pm. Topics: The Normal Distribution and the Central Limit Theorem. Questions will be similar to homework questions already assigned in these topics.

Please note: We will be trying out the new exam feature in Rederly which allows for attachments to be uploaded. The files allowed are pdf, png and jpeg. This means Excel files will need to be saved as pdfs first before attaching. For full credit on Excel work, please be mindful to copy your formulas next to your solutions as I will not be able to click on the cells to view them in a pdf format.

Taking this quiz will allow you to become familiar with the exam format in preparation for the final exam. The quiz will count as one OpenLab assignment.

Share your surveys with the class…

When you are happy with your surveys and ready to get started on data collection, share your surveys with the class by adding them to the comments on this post. Please be sure to indicate the group members.

If you are looking to collect data from a sample of non-college students – make sure you indicate this and encourage your classmates to share the survey with friends in the workplace.

I hope you help each other out! Good luck!

Lesson 21: Hypothesis Testing with Known Standard Deviation

Hi everyone! Read through the material below, watch the videos, work on the Excel lecture and follow up me if you have questions.


Learning Outcomes.

  • Determine if the data supports a hypothesis at a given significance level using known distributions.

Topic. This lesson covers: Hypothesis Testing with Known Standard Deviation

WeBWorK. Sets 9.1 & 9.2 – due 12/3 4 pm

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