Faculty Name | Section | Semester

Share your surveys with the class…

When you are happy with your surveys and ready to get started on data collection, share your surveys with the class by adding them to the comments on this post. Please be sure to indicate the group members.

If you are looking to collect data from a sample of non-college students – make sure you indicate this and encourage your classmates to share the survey with friends in the workplace.

I hope you help each other out! Good luck!


  1. S M Arifuzzaman Akash

    Group 1:
    Ema, Israt
    Razwan, Sifat
    Sambu De Barros, Joao
    Akash, Sm Arifuzzaman

    Here is the survey from our group (https://forms.gle/gzk5WFZDNeS9gq3dA), which has been designed for people with a college degree. However, kindly ask your family, friends, or neighbors who fall in that category to take the survey. It will be exceedingly helpful and appreciated.
    Thank you.
    Group 1

  2. Denys Gorditsa

    Group 2:
    Veron Nelson
    Kamil Bartoszewicz
    Denys Gorditsa
    Daniel Shaw

    Good Afternoon to all our MAT1372 students.
    Here is the our google form link (https://forms.gle/x3Sqtp6D8XupL4pt9), which has been designed to collect data to understand the relationship between how many hours does student study and for student to pass the course. We would appreciate if you share the link to your friends who are in college right now.
    Thank You.

  3. Ihn Lee

    Group 4:
    Ihn, Fariha, Alvie, Karanjit

    Here is the survey from our group (https://forms.gle/sd2qht6miUyXKetJ9), which has been designed for people with a college degree. However, kindly ask your family, friends, or neighbors who fall in that category to take the survey. It will be exceedingly helpful and appreciated.

    Thank you.
    Group 4

    • Eric Gao

      Group 3:
      Mohammad U Uddin
      Aramis R Chalen
      Eric Gao
      Daisy Rivera

      Hey guys, this is Eric from group 3. I made a mistake in the previous survey. Here’s the new link!


  4. Jordan Grant

    Group 4:
    Kristen Narcisi
    Marcel Ayewozanna
    Jaheid Murrillo
    Jordan Grant

    Good Afternoon to all our MAT1372 students.
    *These surveys are specifically for college sophomores and up. Freshmen cannot take these surveys.*

    Here is the our google form link (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdupAWK7fSkLgAKWbT4MZCiyQkmpc0PbABoCT0DPCp3qLBUVA/viewform?usp=sf_link), which is designed to collect data of your grade in 2019 Fall Semester when we all did in-person learning and 2020 Fall Semester which we’re all doing online learning.

    This link ( https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc0MV5njJdbFoUZlB2DpLul7zrOHsXBviM_GTUR53JcIUUF1w/viewform?usp=sf_link), which is designed to collect the data of if you enjoy online-learning more than in-person and why.

    If you can take the survey, we would highly appreciate it. Thank You!

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