
Welcome MAT 1275 Instructors

INSTRUCTORS: This site is intended to be a model, or template, for MAT 1275 College Algebra and Trigonometry.  It has been set up to include essential information and resources for students and faculty in the course.  You are welcome to make a copy of it for use in your own MAT 1275 section, and to modify your copy in any way you see fit (feel free to experiment)!

HOW TO MAKE A COPY OF THIS SITE FOR YOUR OWN USE:  If you’d like to use it for your own MAT 1275 section, you will need to “Clone the course” (make a copy for your personal use) — this can be done by clicking the “Clone this Course” link on the right side of the page under “Sharing”.  NOTE: After cloning, all pages & posts are automatically marked as “Draft” and must be “Published” before they are visible – See the Cloning a Course help page for a detailed step-by-step walkthrough of the process.

This “welcome” post is pinned to the top of your home page, so it will be the first thing your students see when they visit your site.   Once you have cloned the course, feel free to personalize the message below (and delete this red text).

Welcome MAT 1275 students!  We’ll be using this OpenLab site throughout the semester – please take a look around and see what is available.