Herbert Horne and John Baskerville were both designers that were included in two sepearte art movements of their time. Title page for “Vergil’s Bucolica, Georgica, et Aenis”, designed by John Baskerville and Title page for “Poems” designed by Herbert Horne, are two works that they have done and show their style of typography in printed media.
The Arts and Crafts Movement was a movement that started in England around the late 19th century. The Arts and crafts movement was against the ideas of the Industrial Revolution. People of the movement thought that the industrial revolution neglected the individual art form of expression. The Industrial Revolution was more improving technology and business growth. There was no freedom of expressing yourself individually. William Morris, who lead the arts and crafts movement, chose to revive the tradition of handcrafted art. Morris accepted art for what it was, a persons way of expressing themselves and by using different methods of expressing themselves. John Rusk, who was also a part of the movement had a certain philosophy that people would follow. Rusk thought that society was distancing itself from an artist perspective. Rusk neglected the idea of an economy growing society. Art and society were disconnected and for that reason, creativity was declining.
The Rococo Era was a time period that lasted from 1720-1770. During this time period, scrollwork, tracery, naturistic floral designs, classical, oriental and medieval art were mostly included in the work of designers. The Rococo era showed scenes of nature, love and entertainment. Type during this time was to be constructed scientifically and mathematically. King Louis XIV wanted new roman lettering to be constructed in a grid with careful measurements.
Herbert’s Horne’s work and John Baskerville’s work are similar in typographic style. Both of their work involve symmetry within their designs. The type is shown on top and bottom of their design. Both designers use an equal amount of white space in their work. Horne doesn’t use any other elements in his work to make everything condense. The white space gives the letterforms room to fit and work with the negative space. Baskervilles work also uses white space in a similar fashion. Even though the letterforms are largely spread out between each other, he still uses negative space so that the design is balanced. The letterforms still have room to work within the design and it doesn’t feel tight. Their designs also have a layout where you read everything from the top to the bottom. Letterspacing is also used for their designs. Some of the focus of their designs for letterpacing are usually in the title. In Baskervilles work, the word “Bucolica, Georgia” and “Aeneis” and in Horne’s work, the word “Poem”, the letterspacing is altered.
Herbert’s Horne’s and John Baskervilles work have minor differences. Horne uses outline type for his design and the outline stroke the type is still black. For Baskervilles work, he has a traditional sense of style for his type. He doesn’t use an outline stroke and keeps black letterforms throughout the whole design. Baskerville also uses italicized type on the bottom of the page. Horne keeps his type consistent without using any bold types or italicizing it. Baskerville changes the point size of his type on the bottom part of his design. He uses visual hierarchy by having the type on the bottom a smaller size and he keeps the title at a much larger point size. Horne doesn’t change the point size of the type, so there’s not a lot of emphasis on his design. In Horne’s work, there is use of color in the background and in the illustration. Baskerville’s letterspacing isn’t to condensed as opposed to Horne’s letterspacing where the letterspacing is to tight to one another. The only thing in Horne’s work is that there is exaggerated letterspacing is the year “1895”.
Both designers have differences and similarities within their work, They have the same design styles, which is keeping their designs balanced, proportional, and aligned. Horne doesn’t use a lot of visual hierarchy like Baskerville. However, in terms of typographic style, they have similar philosophies on how typography should be placed and positioned. Their work is read from top to bottom which is the normal way of how people would read the cover page of a book. They also use a fair amount of negative space and there is not a lot of wide spacing within letterforms.