Exams/Assignments/Research Project


Exams. Two exams and a cumulative final exam will be given this semester. Each exam will cover the assigned readings, lectures, and demonstrations. Make-up exams will only be given with an excused absence.

Assignments. Four brief HW assignments will be assigned this semester. Detailed information regarding the assignments and format will be distributed during the semester. The assignments must be handed in on their respective due dates.

Research Project. The research translation project requires that you (a) identify at least two recently-published research studies on a topic that is relevant to the course, (b) describe (translate) the content of those studies in a paper written for a professional audience, and (c) discuss the applied implications of those studies. The paper must convey useful, detailed, and understandable information about recent research in I-O Psychology, and must be written in a way that is understandable to a well-educated but non-technical professional reader (e.g., a human resources manager who has never taken a course in psychology!). You have the option of doing it either by yourself (i.e., as an individual contributor) or as part of a 5-person team. A component of your grade is the class presentation. Note that the project is presented here as if it were an employee work assignment, with you – and everyone else in the class – being new employees of a hypothetical company called City Technical International.


Item Points per Total Points Weight
2 Exams 100 200 33.3%
Final Exam 200 200 33.3%
HW Assignments 25 100 16.7%
Research Project/Presentation 100 100 16.7%
Total 600 100%

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