Read the autobiography of Bruce V. Moore and one other autobiography of your choosing (not biographies) from the list of past Division 14 presidents located at Compare and contrast aspects of President Moore’s life and that of the other president. This essay should be at least one page in length, typed, single spaced. On a separate page, generate a Table of competencies that each likely possessed given their individual histories. It is important that you note and highlight any unique characteristics, competencies, and or other aspects of their background. Lastly, prepare a short Power Point presentation (suggest 8-10 slides), including a Venn diagram, to further illustrate your work.
1. As you prepare this essay/summary, note if there are any consistent themes among the lives of the presidents. In your paper, consider and discuss the impact of any cultural influences, socioeconomic factors, religion, and world events.
2. Please note that biographies, which are denoted with italicized text are not acceptable for this assignment.
3. Group members may not select the same past president in their comparison.
4. Provide list of references used to complete this assignment. APA style will be discussed. 5. See link- for a related handout. It is provided to assist the student with writing “deeper” comparison statements- ones that focus on character traits, experiences, or perspectives. Given the relatively short length of this essay, avoid providing unimportant comparison statements.
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SIOP Past Presidents List at