After watching the video it was nice to know Louise Fili. What inspired me was when Louise Fili said that she had served as an art director for years at Pantheon Books, designing more than 10,000 book jackets. I also agree with Louise Fili when she said that in running your own workshop, you do not need to yell to be heard and share two important lessons. You need to start doing what comes to mind. No answer is correct or wrong. Keep writing in your head, whatever comes up. There is also a wonderful example, which is a mind map. To draw attention, we don’t need anyone to see what we have written down. Louise Fili believes that designers need to have their own projects to find their personal design voice. She provided examples on the front of the books of her restaurant designs, product packaging, and her exclusive copyright page handling. All the art directors were already being paid so poorly that they all had to freelance for each other. One day, she got a phone call from an editor she’d never worked with before, But she didn’t have any other options. To draw on it, she had to build her own archive and she dismissed it as just conventional typefaces for the covers. She wanted them all to be original so that she could either do it from scratch or piece letters from alphabets together to create the form in any way she could. fascist Italian Nazi novel that was just right for her. But the next day, with the inner bark stud, it would be fascist style. Sometimes you need someone to see and go through your work, it’s also fun to go your own way. So just start with whatever you think or the sketch, because Louise Fili is doing that to create her own set to draw what she wants to do.

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