Homework Assignment 3, due 5/4

In the “Risky Business” podcast, Barry Lam illustrates several problems with the way that the US justice system uses probabilistic data. Which problem with the use of probabilistic data in criminal justice that Lam discusses do you think is the most important*? Explain why. Your discussion should be 200-300 words. Please upload the assignment to turnitin.com before class begins at 6pm. 

*Note that, in order to explain why the problem you have chosen is the most important, you will have to compare it to one or more of the other problems he discusses. 

Homework Assignment 2, due Tues March 9

In our reading for today, Dworkin uses a “principle” from a case we read earlier in the semester (Riggs v. Palmer) in order to illustrate a central criticism of positivism. What is that principle, and how does Dworkin use it to criticize positivism? Explain in 300 words or less (i.e., no more than about 1 page, double-spaced). 

Please upload your answer to turnitin.com before 6pm on Tuesday, 3/9. 

Homework Assignment 1, due 2/16

Read the decision in the case, Riggs v. Palmer. In the space of about one page, double spaced, answer the following questions (please remember to number your answers 1 and 2). 

  1. What were two main arguments given for the the majority opinion (the “Opinion of the Court” by Earl)? 
  2. What was the main reason for the minority dissent (section entitled, “GRAY, J.  (dissenting)”)? Explain it. (If more than one, pick the one you think is most compelling).

Please remember to use your own words, and to use quotation marks if you find it necessary to quote from the case. 

Upload your assignment to turnitin.com before class (i.e. before 6pm on 2/16). (You can find our Class ID and password for turnitin.com in Blackboard).