Homework Assignment 3, due 5/4

In the “Risky Business” podcast, Barry Lam illustrates several problems with the way that the US justice system uses probabilistic data. Which problem with the use of probabilistic data in criminal justice that Lam discusses do you think is the most important*? Explain why. Your discussion should be 200-300 words. Please upload the assignment to turnitin.com before class begins at 6pm. 

*Note that, in order to explain why the problem you have chosen is the most important, you will have to compare it to one or more of the other problems he discusses. 

Reminder: Argument paper 3 due tonight, before class

Dear Class, 

This is a reminder that argument paper 3 is due tonight, before 6pm, on turnitin.com. You should be writing on either the reading by JS Mill or the one by Patrick Devlin. The assignment is the same as it has been in the past–you can see it under “Assignment Overview” here on OpenLab. 

See you tonight!


Dr. M

Reminder: Argument Paper 2 due tonight before class!

Dear Class, 

This is just a reminder that Argument Paper 2 is due tonight, on turnitin.com, before 6pm. Remember, you are writing on EITHER the Locke or the Marx reading. You can see the assignment here: 


See you tonight!

Dr. M


Reminder: Argument Paper 2 due next Tuesday (April 13)

Dear Class, 

This is just to remind you that Argument Paper 2 is due next Tuesday, before class! Please submit it to turnitin.com. It is the same assignment as last time (you can find details on the “Assignment Overview” page), but the readings are new. You will need to write on EITHER of the readings on property (either the one by Locke or the one by Marx), found in the schedule. Now is a great time to get started! 

Remember to review any comments I made on your last argument paper, and incorporate changes into the new paper if needed.

Let me know if you have any questions. 

Dr. M

Midway progress posted

Dear Class, 

I have finished grading for the first half of the semester. You can see your assignment grades from turnitin.com (for homework and papers) by visiting turnitin.com. You can see your midterm exam grade and other grades on Blackboard, by going to: Tools—My Grades. 

“Midterm Grades” reflect your performance in the class so far. These are based on all available grades up until now. You should receive one of the following letters: 

P: Passing (>65%)

BL: Borderline (55%-65%)

F: Failing (<55%). 

I strongly suggest arranging a meeting with me on Zoom if you received a BL or F. 

Please note that only about 42% of the points available for the semester have been determined so far. This means there is still significant opportunity to change your grade!

I have also added a category to the grade center for class participation. You can see the participation policy in the syllabus. These are percentages (so, a score out of 100). If your participation grade is low, it is usually because you are either not attending class (or in some cases you are coming late) and/or you are not verbally participating in class. Changing these patterns of behavior can significantly increase your score, and in many cases it is still possible to raise this score to 100%!

Please let me know if you have any questions. 

Dr. M