Writing Task Saved – – Hannael F.

Joining the singing program at my school saved me from transferring to another school. When I first joined school, coming from a small middle school, I felt alone and out of place. I was in music classes at the school, but there wasn’t much singing going on yet, since it was still early. Being in a school where no one from my middle school had gone, I spent the first two weeks complaining about how insignificant I felt on such a large campus. Soon after, my music class had finally started to sing and make music. Singing made me comfortable and at home. Making music allows me to express myself, and it brought me back to when I would perform in middle school.

The class slowly helped me to make friends and finally have my own little community. I made two close friends that also happened to have the same math class as me. After finding them we had all become inseparable and I never thought about transferring since then. Staying at that school allowed my musical education to grow because not many schools put importance in musical arts as much as mine did. Since then my musicality has grown stronger, encouraging me to also do well in other aspects of school so I could stay in the program.

3 thoughts on “Writing Task Saved – – Hannael F.”

  1. Do you still sing now and how do incorporate music it into your life? I believe that it’s good to have something that saved you and something you love to do. Its good that this thing you love to do also brought people into your life and its something that brings you joy and peace.

  2. Hey Hannel, I love that you gave singing a chance in a new place in your life. Also making good friends can be a process so It’s nice that you had somewhere you all share the same interest!

  3. This is fine. You could develop more on how singing saved you in middle school (Name?). You need scenes and specific details?

    You would need to show how you were alone at this new school with no one from your previous elementary school. Then how you discovered the singing class. Here is good place for a scene: Soon after, my music class had finally started to sing and make music. CAN YOU DESCRIBE THIS and CREATE A SCENE? Where? What song? What beautiful sounds — describe? Then HOW did you feel as you sang?

    Another part could be about the good friends you found in the singing class. Describe these two friends with detail and SHOW me the good times you had in the singing class.

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