Success Tips–Kinga Zimnoch

Tip 2. Coming to class mentally has been a small struggle for me. It speaks to me personally because I tend to lose focus in my thoughts but notice and bring myself back into reality and continue to pay attention. Whenever I find myself getting lost in my thoughts, I start writing down some things a teacher says so I can bring myself to focus more on the lecture. I will use tip 2 so I can succeed in class by eating a good breakfast to fuel my brain and become less distracted. I used to skip breakfast, never had time for it, and had a bad sleep schedule. At the beginning of this year, I have decided to do better for myself mentally and physically. I have made it important for myself to sleep 8 hours per day, eat better and noticed some improvement.  

Tip 3. Participation has always been a common struggle for me growing up. It speaks to me personally because I would be scared to think that my answer would be wrong. When I put on spot for reading something I wrote there were two times where I could remember I was fine. Normally my face would get red, and I would start to feel pressure and lower my voice and quickly finish what I was reading or once I got to a point where words just could not come out and I felt embarrassment. I think that what has helped me is understanding that in a class we are all the same in the sense that we came for an education and that no one will care enough about you getting something wrong. Also, to go over what you are going to say and just get comfortable with having your questions and thoughts shared.  

5 thoughts on “Success Tips–Kinga Zimnoch”

  1. Hi kinga I can relate to tip 3 as well because I also struggled with speaking and participating during class. I also am afraid that my answer will be wrong and kids will laugh at my answer for it being wrong.

  2. I love how u mention mentally because that’s very important. Mentally being ready changes everything and mentally I been feeling drained

  3. Tip 3: I also struggle with participating. I’m afraid of getting the answer wrong but I’m always bummed out when I find out that the answer I had in my head was right. I’ve had this happen to me on so many occasions.

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