Mentor Text Analysis of Podcast- Vanessa Marquez

Title: A day in life of an anxious High Scholler by Cece Benz 

Opening: The podcast opens with an alarm going off and her waking up to her dog licking her and starts rambling about how her dog’s licks will give her tons of bacteria and how sooner or later she will die. She starts her day by saying “Today will be a good day”. She starts by asking herself what hairstyle she wants to wear. She suggests doing a braid, but she quickly stresses that it’s simple and she’ll do a bun instead.  After giving her hair a second thought, she says that no one will notice her. She gives us a deep sigh and then says that nothing makes her body look good. She says that she is disgusted with her appearance and that she constantly criticizes it because she feels she is unworthy. 

Middle: “Let’s go,” says a different voice, to which she responds that the only place she would want to go is back to bed. After that, as she walks into school, she tells herself to calm down, take a deep breath, and keep moving forward. She then begins to calculate when school will end, saying, “2 more classes, an hour and a half to go home.” When someone picks her up from school, she says she can’t wait to go home. She lets out another sigh and continues to reassure herself that everything will be alright until she has to repeat the entire process again. 

Outro: At the end of the podcast, she goes on about the saying “you don’t know what’s going on behind closed doors”, she says how this saying is true. Many people may seem like they are doing good but in reality, they might be struggling with insecurities. She has also done research on how 1 out of 3 people develop anxiety disorders before the age of 18. She then proceeds to say to support and comfort one another because we will never know what someone is going through behind closed doors. 

I like this podcast. She gives many examples of what she personally goes through before even entering school and when she’s at school. She explains how she feels about herself and how she feels around others. I also like how she gave a supporting message at the end and did research on how many people develop disorders. Cece also gives examples at the end of what people might be going through. I think I might use this example because I’d like to give my own personal experience and give a positive message,  

The other 3 podcasts I’ve listened to… 

  • The ideas of March: An Uprising to save the earth by The Said Topic 
  • Blank Ink by Kaela W & Jalen L 
  • Shots fired by Alina Kulman 

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