RAB Source Entry 3- Jacob.B

Part 1 MLA Citation â€“ 

            â€śBenefits of Strength Training.” Www.youtube.com, www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=bj5MCeGWn74. Accessed 15 Nov. 2023.

Part 2 Summary – 

The YouTube video “Benefits of Strength Training” explained by Nolan Kuscap is a video from Valley Health System. This video focuses on the advantages of resistance training. The names resistance training, strength training and weightlifting are the same training just different names. Kuscap opens by saying that training is for everyone, and that weight training was more prioritized then aerobic. American College of sports medicine suggest training 2 or 3 times weekly. It’s a practice where muscle contracts in reaction from the force of a weight such as dumbbells, barbells, or body weight. According to the video adults of any age are able to gain muscle mass with consistent strength training. Weightlifting exercises help reduce body fat, blood pressure, and lower the possibility of getting type 2 diabetes. When resting, the body will use energy to construct muscle mass causing your resting metabolic rate to accelerate. Weight training can boost the quality and duration of regular day activities. Cardiovascular health has shown to be improved in weight training. Also, in the video it clearly states that bones become more stable and are able to last longer. Kuscap also includes that resistance training can better mental health by lowering, anxiety, and depression. In mental health it can also boost confidence and mental capacity. At the end of this piece Nolan Kuscap ends with people asking him a couple questions to reassure themselves of what they have learned. 

Part 3 Refection – 

I find that this video was very informative by teaching me things I didn’t even know myself. I agree with the information that was presented because it shows that resistance training can be a very big impact on our body as well as on our minds. It was great that they included that training can be for an adult of any age. Showing that any age can have a great benefit from strength training. In the video they show a brief training program which I think was a good way to show people how to train the body properly. I also enjoyed hearing that our daily way of life also gets benefited. This is a way that us as humans are able to become more productive and organized daily. As a weightlifter I didn’t even know that training could cause the bone as a whole to grow stronger, I always thought it was only the muscle around it that grew. I think that the mental health benefits show that weightlifting is not just for the body but for your mind as well. I notice that Valley health system runs through a hospital so I think they must have a fitness center for their patients. 

Part 4 Rhetorical Analysis – 

The valley health system audience are patients of their hospital and people who want to know benefits of lifting. The purpose of Valley health system’s presentation was to show people that resistance training has shown to make people physical and mentally healthier. The occasion that Nolan Kuscap a member of the Valley health System shows is that people think training is for athletes and that not many people are lifting as the recommendation says to stay healthy. The choice of a presentation video as a genre was effective. Explaining step by step just how much we really get out of weightlifting. Kuscap’s tone was reasonable. His style was logical. In the video it showed ethos by showing that the speaker Kuscap is an exercise specialist from the Valley Health System. The message to take away is to show that if people resistance train, they can have a longer healthier life. The genre is an explanatory visual. This video was posted on YouTube, a source that is not reliable but where people can go to post their own ideas and opinions. The Valley Health System is a reliable source. It is a health care branch with hospitals with locations around Northern New Jersey and Southern New York and many other states. Also, with medical groups to help patients with their health, for example fitness centers. It is ranked as one of only 25 hospitals in the United States for best Hospitals for Pediatrics list. Also, for patient safety, Emergency care, orthopedics’ and, so much more. This piece of information was posted about a year ago. It doesn’t matter what time this type of information was posted because these benefits are shown to last us a lifetime. 

Part 5 Notable Quotables – 

“Common misconception that resistance training is only for body builders and athletes.” (Kuscap 0.56)

“Strength training can improve and increase longevity of activities of daily life.”

(Kuscap 10.04)

“Decrease fatigue, anxiety, depression.”(Kuscap 13.51)

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