RAB Source Entry 2-Ariana Dominguez

Part 1: MLA Citation 

             Fenwick, Karissa. “I Was Sexually Harassed. Question My Story.” Washington Post, 9 Apr.2023,https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/i-am-a-victim-of-sexual-harassment-and-i-want-you-to-question-my-story/2017/12/05/e4bc780a-d626-11e7-a986-d0a9770d9a3e_story.html

Part 2: Summary 

In  Karissa’s Fenwick, Opinion article from the Washington post 2017, she informs us how sexual harassment has became a questionable matter. Many women have been too afraid to go public when being harassed, even herself. She was afraid to let others know her experience on sexual harassment because she didn’t  want to embarrass her family or feel like  others will question her on it. Fenwick states “This experience has left me so unsure of myself that even simple, factual questions feel like attacks on my sanity, integrity and worth.” Fenwick spoke against her academic advisor who sexually harassed her. But instead of getting support from others they questioned her instead. Although this happened to Fenwick she took it another way she saw this as an opportunity, for other to speak more on sexual harassment. Speak on the complexities of sexual harassment. 

Part 3: Reflection 

I totally agree with Fenwick, sexual harassment has to come to an end. This article gave me a new perspective on how society plays a big role in sexual harassment. Many women are to afraid to speak out on their own experience with sexual harassment. Many fear how people will think of them when they share their story. Will they take it as it was her fault or blame her for getting  sexually harassed.  It’s sad that someone is more worried about being believed instead of having support for the traumatic situation they went through. Like Fenwick says “ I’m sure I’m not the only person who didn’t want to go public with the experience. But now that it is out there, I want it to be used as a tool for analysis, contemplation and growth. Question my story.” I remember there has been time’s where i would also question myself on whether what i’m wearing is what caused the sexual harassment. But my clothing shouldn’t define whether I’m going to get sexually harassed or not. The more women share their story the more there is awareness to the topic and we can prevent sexual harassment overall. 

Part 4: Rhetorical Analysis

Fenwick is a graduate social worker student from the University of Southern California. The author’s writing style from the Washington post is an opinion piece. The purpose for this opinion piece is to inform the public about sexual harassment women go through and how it has silenced them. Ethos is being used by Fenwick, she shares her own experience of sexual harassment and how she was impacted when she shared her story. She shares her story so others can also share there story towards sexual harassment. But her main goal is for the public mostly women to hear her story and realize there needs something to be done towards sexual harassment. 

Part 5: Notable Quotables 

“Across gender identities , we need to challenge what normal behavior is in different professional positions of power.” (Fenwick) 

“The issues we need tackle to end sexual harassment are overwhelming and encompass gender discrimination, abuse of power and culture of silence.” (Fenwick) 

“I’m sure I’m not the only person who didn’t want to go public with my experience” (Fenwick)

“We can’t reframe victim beliefs  or dispel deeply embedded myths about sexual misconduct until we bring them out into the open for critical analysis.” (Fenwick)

“If we reflect candidly and fearlessly on why harassment has gone unchecked for so long (and if you think it hasn’t you probably need to reflect on that as well), we will collectively prepare ourselves for the next steps.” (Fenwick)

1 thought on “RAB Source Entry 2-Ariana Dominguez”

  1. Fix first sentence of summary!

    RETHINK – What is the purpose for an opinion piece?????   It is more than to inform. We discussed this very point in class last time – WERE YOU PAYING ATTENTION?

    I see a lot of problems here: Your opinion piece is not about sex-based harassment in public spaces! This is about sexual harassment, but not in public spaces, not in the street (which was your original idea when you started as your RQ).  Your TWO sources do not match up. They are not on the same RQ.  You need to clarify all of this! NOW.

    Your source here sounds like you are answering the question: Should women speak up when they have been sexually harassed? — this is NOT the same as your original RQ!

    Another super important problem – This is a 2017 article. Very dated, considering that the Me Too movement started that same year and as a society we have advanced much farther. 

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