RAB Source Entry 2-Kinga Zimnoch

My Research question is: Does exercise improve mental health? 

Entry Source #2 

Part 1: MLA  

Devi Sridhar.“The Secret To Why Exercise Is So Good For Mental Health? ‘Hope Molecules’.” The Guardian, May 4th, 2023. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/may/04/exercise-mental-health-hope-molecules-mood-strength.  

Part 2: Summary 

In the opinion piece “The Secret To Why Exercise Is So Good For Mental Health? ‘Hope Molecules ’” Devi Sridhar agrees that any form and amount of exercise makes life feel better to allow your “hope molecules” small protein to travel to the brain and act as an antidepressant. Sridhar mentions how she uses exercise in her daily life. The science behind exercising increases a person’s mood, starting with the body. When muscles are contracting it sends chemicals to the blood stream (myokines) that later travel to the brain and acts as an antidepressant. The author talks about a study done in Norway that linked physical health to teens. The more active teens were the less likely they were depressed and were more likely to have high self-esteem. For example, Sridhar speaks about students spending too much time on their phone and not getting active. Sridhar says that staying active is important at any age.  

Part 3: Reflection 

The information that Sridhar shares, I agree with. I love how she mentions that with ageing you should still exercise. Growing up my grandmother had lots of strength and had good bones age. I remember her always going on walks and doing floor exercises. It is also mentioned that teens are spending too much time on their phones, and it is shown through their mental health. From my experience in a high school gym class the students would be glued on their phone, they would only do their part of the workout if the teacher threatened their grades. I wonder if there can be a way to get students to be more active. Whether through outside recess or pushing them to join sport clubs. I think what can also get teens moving is maybe exercising with a friend to push each other. Through my exercise experience, it keeps me busy and feels better and; I cannot go one day without it.  

Part 4: Rhetorical analysis 

Sridhar is an American public health researcher. She is also a professor and chair of global public health at the University of Edinburgh Scotland. The genre of this article is op-ed. This article’s purpose is to inform the public and parents that exercise is a way to better help their mental health and influence others around them. This type of article style is an opinion piece. The author’s tone is persuading people to try exercise even if it is a little. Ethos is used by Sridhar’s own experience of exercise and a study that was done on teens and their mental health. Logos are used when talking about a recent global pandemic in 2020 that has affected many people. The Guardian won daily newspaper of the year and supplement of the year for Saturday magazine in London. This opinion piece was published by The Guardian.  

Part 5: Notable Quotables 

“Our brains and bodies do better with exercise and physical activity, and more exercise makes us less anxious and depressed.” (Sridhar) 

“A large study from Norway showed that physically active teenagers in team sports had higher self-esteem and life satisfaction, particularly for senior high-school girls.” (Sridhar) 

“A study of 40,000 children in the US found that after more than one hour per day of use, screen time was associated with less curiosity, lower self-control, less emotional stability and lower psychological wellbeing.” (Sridhar) 

“Exercise is just especially important with ageing to keep independence in daily life with activities such as going to the toilet, getting out of bed and up off the sofa, and going for local food shopping.” (Sridhar) 

“The antidote from epidemiology and biology is to just get moving: whether it’s joining a team, going for a long walk, or finding a community gym or yoga class. You’ll certainly feel more hopeful afterwards.” (Sridhar) 

4 thoughts on “RAB Source Entry 2-Kinga Zimnoch”

  1. I think your reflectIon is really good. You connected the article back to yourself and I can tell you wrote it after reading the article. I also like that you included something that you still wonder about your topic.

  2. I really liked your reflection and summary. In your summary you only stayed the important parts from the article that connected to your topic. Also in your reflection you connect your own experience with exercise to the article.

  3. Rhet Analysis: Rethink — you say: purpose is to inform. This is an opinion piece, so the tone is persuasive and the purpose is more than to inform. Remember an opinion piece has a persuasive message. So — WHO and WHAT does Sridbar want to persuade people to do? In an opinion piece, the writer usually expresses her point and urges for a change. 

    Otherwise — good work here.

  4. SUMMARY: think about the title. Can you explain the key words and make that a MI. REmember the title usually expresses the MI. So what are Hope Molecules? and explain this as a MI.

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