Rhetorical Analysis and Quotables- Miah Segura

Part #4: Rhetorical Analysis 

Wendy Berliner is an award-winning journalist and CEO of the Education Media Centre. The author has written a featured piece. The author is a credible source as she has also written a book with Judith Judd titled “How to Succeed at School: What Every Parent Should Know.” Berliner uses an informative tone in this featured piece. The author’s objective is to inform the general public and educators. Berliner appeals logos as she includes facts and research.  

Part #5: Notable Quotables 

“Promoting curiosity in children, especially those from environments of economic disadvantage, may be an important, under-recognised way to address the achievement gap. Promoting curiosity is a foundation for early learning that we should be emphasising more when we look at academic achievement.” [ Dr Prachi Shah] (Berliner Para 7) 

“How well they behave, and how they perform seem much more important to many people in the educational communities. Often educational bureaucracies have shunted curiosity to the side.” [Susan Engel] (Berliner Para 11) 

“Schools kills curiosity. When do children get to ask questions about things that interest them? As soon as they are at primary school they have to shut up and learn. It’s not the fault of teachers. They have so many targets to meet.” [Matt Caldwell] (Berliner Para 18) 

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