RAB Proposal Paragraph – Daniel Volfson

My research question is the word Nazi being overthrown nowadays?

This topic interests me because I come from an Eastern European country that had a history with the Reich and it’s important in my life because it’s one of the stereotypes that people kept giving me because I was Ukrainian when I was religious wise Jewish. A’lot of people in Ukraine are stereotyped as being nazis from Russian propoganda such as people still having parties or cults of UPA which was a highly nationalist group that did good but also a’lot of bad which can’t save them. But Ukraine is not the only country that has this stereotype it’s most of East Europe as it was one of those parts of Europe that were more effected by facisim than anywhere else. But I know in the reality countries as Poland and Belarus and the baltics have banned any type of public facisim as both countries went through a’lot but people still throw it at them. I want to know how did this trend start because it’s been happening around the world as of late.


1 thought on “RAB Proposal Paragraph – Daniel Volfson”

  1. You have a personal and passionate interest in this question — I can see that. But — This can be an explosive topic, so you need to carefully word your RQ to be as clear as possilbe. WHAT EXACTLY are you asking?

    What is the history behind the use of the word Nazi as a slur or insult and how can we address this problem?

    Can you work on clarity in your writing. Here’s an example — You write: A’lot of people in Ukraine [what people — Jewish? be specific!] are stereotyped as being nazis from Russian propoganda [meaning what?] such as people still having parties or cults of UPA [what is this — unclear] which was a highly nationalist group that did good but also a’lot of bad which can’t save them [huh? unclear]. 

    Work with the tutors and the research librarian to make your RQ written more clearly.

    Here is an article from BBC, a reliable source, that might help you.


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