Practice Reflection – Jacob Scoll

I fully agree with the information that author Wendy Berliner showed in her articles that schools are killing student’s curiosity levels in schools. During my experience as a student, I’ve dealt with similar teachers that were shown in the readings so I can totally relate to these stories. These teachers silenced me when I had a curious thought in mind. This has caused me to either end up making an educated guess or completely forgetting about it. The article stated how, when the student wanted to ask the teacher a question, the teacher just said “Not now” because she was in the middle of a lesson, leaving the student still curious about what to do. For me, I can very much relate to this because I have felt as if the teachers don’t really care about our curiosity but rather not falling behind in certain lessons. Since of course teachers are required to follow a certain curriculum in a certain order at a certain time so they don’t end up falling behind, answering students’ questions could be time consuming. So, in the end, they just scrap our unanswered questions and curiosities and just continue.

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