Practice Reflection- Jacob.B

I agree with Wendy Berliner when she express that schools are limiting the curiosity in children.  In the article Berliner says that “when it came time to good school performance, the ability to stay focused and , for example, not be distracted by a thunderstorm, was less important than curiosity- the question children might have abut that storm.” This is something that I can agree on because if schools are focusing more the good performance how will the children ever expand their minds on the topic their learning. I think that if they’re told to shut up and learn most of them won’t have confidences to ask questions on things that make them curious. I feel as if curiosity isn’t shot down in schools, I think they will still get good performance and at the same time get the children interested on what they’re learning about. 

2 thoughts on “Practice Reflection- Jacob.B”

  1. I agree with you that schools should focus on a child learning than performance. It would be a good compromise for teachers to focus on both to expand a child way of thinking.

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