Summary Practice – Jacob Scoll

Part 1 MLA Citation:

Berliner, Wendy. “‘Schools Are Killing Curiosity’: Why We Need to Stop Telling Children to Shut up and Learn.” Theguardian.Com, 28 Jan. 2020,

Part 2 Summary :

The article says, “Children are born curious. The number of questions a toddler can ask can seem infinite – it is one of the critical methods humans adopt to learn. In 2007, researchers logging questions asked by children aged 14 months to five years found they asked an average of 107 questions an hour. One child was asking three questions a minute at his peak.” This analysis tells us that children can gain more from asking questions and receiving answers for their questions rather than being silenced by their teachers and only able to ask a question or two when picked on to speak. Schools nowadays are the reason why curiosity is so shadowed upon. Schools forcefully limit students curiosity levels to the point where they never end up getting a chance to have their question spoken out. They require maximum silence and paying close attention to the teacher as they are talking to the point where it makes one feel like a burden to even ask any questions. I think this method of teaching is highly affecting students ability to learn or feel the need to want to learn in school.

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