Success Tips – Jacob Scoll

Tip 2 really stood out to me because this is a pretty big problem for me when it comes to coming to class mentally prepared. This is due to me sometimes feeling tired, hungry, or just feeling out of it. This has caused me to zone out or get distracted by small things rather than the lesson and it affected my learning in school. This was caused by me not being able to wake up at the appropriate times. And because of that, I would occasionally skip breakfast because I just didn’t have the time for it. So basically, my mornings were generally a giant chain reaction that causes me to not feel mentally prepared for class. I have a bad sleep schedule which leads me to not wanting to get up out of bed, which gives me less time to get ready in the morning, which ends up me cancelling breakfast, which ends up as me in class feeling like a complete trainwreck. To overcome this, I will use this tip to find new ways to make me feel better when I show up to class. I’ll try to get more sleep at night so I can get up at the proper time to have enough time to do my entire morning routine, I will try to eat breakfast every single day, rather than some days, and hopefully this will help me get through the day without feeling like a disaster.

Tip 3 also really stood out to me because this is another huge problem I have. When I’m in class, sometimes I feel like I may know the answer to a question but am too nervous to give that answer incase I ever get it wrong. So when I feel like I know the answer but not 100% sure, I tend to just leave my hand down and let someone else answer instead. Tip 3 really helped me realize that sometimes people can make mistakes, and that’s perfectly fine so I shouldn’t feel nervous to say something wrong because we have all said things that weren’t correct in the past. So I hope I can eventually feel less anxious about getting an answer wrong since its better to actively engage and participate rather than just sitting and watching.

3 thoughts on “Success Tips – Jacob Scoll”

  1. Good writing here Jacob! You write with good sentence structure and good expression. And your points are well-developed.

    I like what you wrote in your second tip. It’s a very good explanation of being scared to give a wrong answer. Even I have felt this when I was in graduate class or with group of colleagues. I think everyone is smarter than me and I am scared to volunteer my thoughts. But after I find the courage to speak out, I usually find that other people felt the same way or they had things to add to my comment. So with practice I gained more confidence in sharing my voice in groups.

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