Succes Title-Starleen Lopez

Tip 7: This stood out to me because it’s very hard for me to study, take notes, and do work. I can’t sit down for long periods of time. I usually end up getting up and moving around. I don’t know why this happens to me but I would love to find a way where I can sit down longer and get my work done faster. But it’s different because in class I’m better at sitting down longer. But when I’m at home, I’m getting up every five minutes. This is why this tip stood out to me. I’m not gonna use this tip in class, in fact I’m going to use it at home instead. I feel like I get distracted easily and that’s why it’s so hard for me. One thing I can start doing is trying to see if music will help. But I have to keep in mind some music might distract me also. I can try different types of music and if music doesn’t help me at all then I know it’s not the best option for studying. For me I realized when I use music like hip hop or rap I get distracted and start dancing. So I started playing calming music, I even made a playlist. Doing this made me sit down longer which is what I’m looking for when doing school work. Another thing is using color. I highlight everything that stands out to me. But when I go back to my notes I end up forgetting why I highlighted that text. Something I can do is explain. Why is it important to me? Or why did it stand out to me? I will start doing this by managing my time and taking notes on how many times I get up. And I will also keep on taking better notes by writing definitions, little notes and using words that help me understand what I’m taking notes on. 

Tip 9: This tip is asking for help, this stood out to me a lot. I’m a shy person and though I may not seem like that, I’ve been trying to break that. My mother always told me ASK QUESTIONS. But I never did. I learned if I don’t ask for help, I’m going to end up not understanding the work. This will cause me to be confused and never get the answer I’m looking for. I will use this tip in class by asking the teacher after class because that’s when I feel comfortable asking a question. If I forgot a question, I would write it down or send an email, when I do remember. Things I will do differently will be getting more confident to ask a question in class. I will do this by getting more social. What I do now is just asking the question instead of over thinking what people have to think or say.

6 thoughts on “Succes Title-Starleen Lopez”

  1. I feel the same when it comes to sitting in a seat for a long time period it makes me lose concentration, which makes it hard for me to study after.

  2. Hey Starleen my mom would say the same thing to me. Constantly throughout my elementary, middle school, and high school years she would remind me never be afraid to ask questions but I was always to afraid to speak up and say anything. I would just hope a classmate had the same question as me and ask our teacher.

  3. I struggle with My attention span at home and in class, so I definitely understand where you are coming from. It isn’t easy for me to focus unless I’m genuinely interested in the topic I’m learning or working on. What genres of music help you focus? Because when I listen to songs on my playlist, it gets even harder for me to focus. I usually just try my hardest to ignore any distractions and just put my phone down.

  4. Very good explanation of the tips and how you might modify them for yourself.

    Your observations about how different music affect you differently is very astute. And as for the dancing — Ilove it. But yes picking the right type of music to calm your brain and let you focus on reading and studying is very important.

    I get the moving around thing — have you ever tried just moving your study place to a slightly different location? Sometimes when I have a lot to read or study in a different place, it helps me feel it’s a fresh start and I get a renewed interest in whatever task I have to accomplish. Maybe I try working in the kitchen, or moving to sitting on the floor in my bedroom, somethign like that.

    You are a good writer and you have a lot of ideas.

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