Success tips–Miah S.

Tip 3: Participating during class for me can be difficult at times. Especially at an early age, I struggled at reaching out for help during class or engaging in class discussions. I would usually freeze up and choke up on my words when I was called on to participate but recently, realized how beneficial it is to engage and take part during lectures. I have realized that it is not only beneficial to build the skill of public speaking for just lectures but also for our future such as jobs. I have been trying to get better at bringing ideas, answers and sharing them with the class as it tends to keep me involved. I will start asking questions and adding my thoughts, and opinions with my peers and Professors. 

Tip 7: Studying has always been a struggle for me, and I have mastered note taking. But even with having taken good notes I struggle going back, revising, and learning the notes. Over the years I have noticed that I can work well and get work done while listening to music. When it comes to studying it is a trial and error with the distinct kinds of methods I have tried. For example: When it comes to vocabulary for English, flash cards would help me learn and memorize the definitions, but it may not help me when it comes to a math problem. I would go ahead and find a cafĂ© or a library to help when it comes to studying during the day. While at night I tend to work best on my assignments. I recollect and reorganize notes and key topics for the next class which I’ve realized has helped me the past few years. 

4 thoughts on “Success tips–Miah S.”

  1. Hi Miah I can relate to tip 7 because I also find it difficult to study. Sometimes I get that mood where I don’t want to study, or even have the time to study. For me listening to music kind of distracts me from my studies so I don’t really listen to music while doing my homework.

  2. Tip 3: Participating was also hard for me since I was young and I do see the benefits in participating and staying focused and engaged with the class. It would better help me register and understand the information that I am given and that will help me in the class overall.

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