Intro–Diana Perez

My name is Diana Perez. I was born and raised in Brooklyn NY and I am second generation. Both my mom and dad were born in the United States and both of my grandparents came from Mexico to NYC. I have three siblings in total, one older and two younger siblings. I graduated from Edward R Murrow high school, I joined the girls soccer team freshman year but it got cut short because of Covid but I was able to play for the remainder of my high school years. My birthday is in March so I’m a Pisces.

I’m currently majoring in Radiology and medical imaging. I’m hoping to become an ultrasound technician. When my mom was pregnant with my sister I always went with her to appointments which sparked my interest in becoming an ultrasound technician. I then did some research on the career and thought I would just go for it. Growing up I would have never imagined myself going into the medical field I would always picture myself being a teacher one week then a soccer player the next week but never a career where I am medically helping people.

1 thought on “Intro–Diana Perez”

  1. A lovely graduation picture!

    I have heard the Murrow is one of the best schools in Brooklyn. How did you find the teachers and the learning there?

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