Intro – Daniel Volfson

Hiya! My name is Daniel Lwowski Volfson, but I also go by Danya or Danyk. I was born in a Ukrainian/Belarusian household living in the West of Ukraine near the borders of Poland/Romania/Hungary/Slovakia where there was a’lot of culture and the luxury of traveling for free to all of those beautiful countries. My home language was Russian and Ukrainian but I also knew Belarusian because it was similar to Ukrainian. I learned Polish and English growing up in school where I got a diploma for. Coming to America wasn’t hard to me as I came to New York many times since my grandparents already lived there so for me it was easy to get used to.Growing up I was always into computers and music(I am willing to sing in front of class if asked to). I grew up most of my life with just my mom and sister because I lost my father when I was 8. I love to make people laugh with my jokes and brighten up peoples days. Usually I am the only nightowl in my family because I am the type to sleep late but wake up early with no problems, my favorite movie is Office Space because I feel like I am very similar to the main character. I start my day drinking coffee and off to whatever that I do, I like to hang out with my sister or friends. Dyakuyu! (Thank you in my language) Thank you for reading my intro!

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