“Mentor Quote-Jennifer”

“You’re a disappointment  I wish I didn’t have you “

These are the word my mother told me it hurts me everyday because I didn’t choose to be here but I’m glad i am because i have many dreams and accomplishments i want to do but when my mother told me it was like a stab in my back that you wouldn’t expect your own mother to tell you my mom wanted me to join  the army instead of going to college for nursing which nursing has been something I always wanted to do my whole life and my mom my whole life wanted to control everything  like from friends and even relationships she always had something negative  to say  about anything going on in my life that she didn’t approve or didn’t go her way for her I always. Been her disappointment child because I didn’t let  her control certain things I always help my mom i was her only child that.Would help her around the house to at least hear thank you daughter or something because anytime i would get good grades or awards she would just look at it and be like “ that’s what your supposed to be  doing that’s why I send you to school for “ i never heard a congratulations I’m proud  of you anything all my life but the lesson I learned is your own family would hurt you worst then anyone but now on i just focus  on my future yes those words stay in the back of my mind but i try not to think about and just focus on my career .

5 thoughts on ““Mentor Quote-Jennifer””

  1. Wow im so sorry that you had to hear that coming from your own mother that would really break me too, Im glad that you didn’t listen to your mom about joining the army because you should have the right too make that decision on your own because it is your future. Im very sorry that you had a rough time not being able to have your mom by your side to support you. Your such a good hearted person to still help your mom even when she said all those things and didn’t even thank you. Im gonna congratulate you because you deserve it!. I really wish you the best in achieving your future goals as a nurse. Thank you for sharing your story

  2. Its more disappointing when it comes from you family. But please don’t let that bring you down. I know you are strong and able to continue fighting for you dreams. You seem to be a sweet soul that does deserve to be here trying for a better future. I know once you reach your goals your mom will be the first one to be happy about it. But if thats not the case, your friends and people you love will always bring the best of you and be there to congratulate you. I really hope everything you wish for comes true

  3. It’s very disappointing when it comes from one of your loved ones. Im sorry this happened to you, don’t let those words haunt you and do great in life and don’t only prove them wrong prove yourself wrong. You’re doing great and you deserve to have a better future and reach all your goals in a positive and graceful way.

  4. Wow – these are very hurtful words coming from your mother. I feel for you.

    WHEN did your mother say this? WHERE did this conversation happen? WHAT was the context – WHAT was happening in your life that led to this hurtful comment?

    One problem is that I don’t see a story here.   Let’s try to figure out what is the main transformative event here. In a single sentence what could this be about?  How did this hurtful comment change you? Did it turn your life around? Did you decide to do something different at this time?

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