Mentor Text Analysis – Aneyah S

The interview starts off with the introduction of the 3 girls  being interviewed. 

Throughout the video interview the interviewer included research to back up their claim that Asian hate continues in many different areas, not just in New York. She used data and statistics from other countries to prove that Asian hate does exist everywhere. Throughout the whole video interview all 3 women were speaking from experience of Asian hate they encountered. Their story was the main part of their interview and they used their stories to prove that Asian hate is real and everywhere. They do the interview outside in a New York City park. The interview starts off with an introduction of the 3 girls then each of the girls tell their story and in between them telling their story they include a little bit of research to support what each girl says. The interview is 4 minutes long. The primary audience may be other Asian Americans so they’re more aware of their surroundings and they’re able to protect themselves. The interviewer closed the interview by hearing what the girls would do next to protect themselves. I think the creators message is that everyone should be treated equally no matter their race and us as Americans need to do more to prove this. Some aspects I will emulate is the research. I like how they included the research and it wasn’t just randomly put anywhere in the interview.  

1 thought on “Mentor Text Analysis – Aneyah S”

  1. So you will make a video interview?

    Pls examine the resources in the Assignment on how to write effective questions and how to guide the conversation.

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